Payment Terms, Cancelation and Refunds.

1. We charge credit cards at the start of each month as Wellsong Energetics. If you sign up after the 10th in a month your first payment covers the rest of this month and all of next month. So, you may get a few weeks of service for free.
2. You can stop monthly payments at any time. Services will be provided to the end of the current month. If you cancel within the first 2 months, you may return the Starter Kit bottles for a refund of one monthly charge.
3. If the bank blocks your credit card or it declines, we will try to contact you by text or email. If there is no response, all services will stop after two weeks.
4. A $30/mo service is available if you want to pause for a couple months. This continues your 24/7 EMF protection and twice-daily chakra balancing.
5. If you cancel in Phase 3, we will provide a 2-3 month tapering off process at no additional cost at your request.
We cannot predict when or if you will reach your DeTOX goals. Success depends on the proper use of your bottles, your age, vitality and current condition, future exposures, diet, beliefs, emotions and thought patterns.
We are not medical doctors. DeTOX is not a medical service. We cannot and do not diagnose, treat or cure illness or diseases. DeTOX has not been approved by a governmental authority and FDA has not reviewed our claims. This is not a substitute for licensed health care providers. We advise against changing your medical services without a licensed care giver’s advice.
I request enrollment in the DeTOX program and approve monthly charges on my credit card.
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